Zanzibar Integrated HIV, Hepatitis, TB and Leprosy Programme

About Us


The Zanzibar Integrated HIV TB and Leprosy Control Program (ZIHTLP) is one of the development programs under the Directorate of Preventive Services and Health Education of the Ministry of Health Zanzibar. It is a result of two combined programs, namely Zanzibar AIDS Control Program and Zanzibar TB and Leprosy Control Program. The two programs were officially joined in February, 2012 in order to maximize provision of services for two interrelated diseases and to optimize utilization of resources. The program is mandated to coordinate health sector response of HIV, TB and Leprosy in the islands.

The Vision

Zanzibar is free of new HIV, TB and Leprosy infections, people infected or affected by HIV, TB and Leprosy are not stigmatized or discriminated against and most at risk populations are accessing HIV, TB and Leprosy services and information.

The Mission

To provide technical leadership and collaboration with other sectors and actors in ensuring that there is access, availability and equity of quality HIV/AIDS, TB and Leprosy services for general and most at risk populations.

The Program Core Functions

The ZIHTLP coordinates all activities pertaining HIV/AIDS, TB and Leprosy control in the country. It is also responsible for advising and guiding the Ministry of Health on health issues related to HIV, TB and Leprosy, building capacity of health care workers on the management of the three diseases, monitoring quality of services and strengthening strategic information system to monitor trends of the diseases. In line with above, the program ensures that control and prevention initiatives of HIV, TB and Leprosy infection are in line with the Government key policy documents and the health sector strategic plan.

Contact Us

Ministry of Health,

Zanzibar Integrated HIV, Hepatitis,

TB and Leprosy Programme,

P.O Box 1300,

Tel/Fax: +255-242-234044,

Mnazi Mmoja, Zanzibar.

Zanzibar Integrated HIV, Hepatitis, TB and Leprosy Programme